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Google Less Search Results
Google Less Search Results

The organic search results offered by Google are reportedly less in comparison to the previous year, Although the organic visits from DuckDuckGo are significantly up A website ( had recently reported for the second quarter of 2019 the Organic search visits are down by 8% from the exact period in 2018, The organic visits of Bing & Yahoo are low as well at 26% and 11%. Whereas the Organic Search Results of DuckDuckGo had increased by 49% in the last quarter. While taking a look at the Mobile Visits DuckDuckGo was up by 64% year by year. The mobile search of DuckDuckGo was so heavy that the organic search of mobile was doubled from 0.3% to 0.6% Even though Google’s shortage of growth the Organic search visits still managed to gain 1% last quarter. Total visits produced by Organic Search had downgraded to 6% year over year in the second quarter of 2019, which was degraded even further from 2% in the first quarter of 2019 Organic Search visits went down from all the devices but especially so on mobile, where visits growth dropped from 13% in the first quarter of 2019 to 5% in the second quarter of 2019. Information says that the paid search results on mobile possibly cutting in organic search visitors, Phones & Tablets produced 59% OF organic search visits in the second quarter of 2019, set side by side to 65% of paid search results. According to the website, this was the weakest rate of growth for mobile organic search since mid-2016. The two biggest share visits were paid search and direct website visits in the second quarter of 2019.

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